Spiritual/Karmic/Soul Astrology

Soul Centered Astrology Soul Centered Astrology
Author: Alan Oken
Price: $22.95
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The-Heavens-Declare The Heavens Declare
Author: Alice O. Howell
Price: $16.95
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Explores the evolutionary process of spiritual self-development through the signs and planetary rulers. The book also prepares the reader seeking to understand the signs, houses, and aspects

Bogart Astrology Astrology and Meditation
Author: Greg Bogart
Price: $19.95
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Meditations on the spiritual lessons of planets and signs, case histories, discovering the deepest meanings of chart symbols; counseling techniques.
Lavoie Four Four Paths to God
Author: Alphee Lavoie
Price: $14.99
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Aharoni Karmic Karmic Astrology
Author: Ruth Aharoni
Price: OOP
A unique look at natal aspects and using them to determine the individual’s spiritual path. Includes delineation of each type. OUT OF PRINT

Gullfoss Complete The Complete Book of Spiritual Astrology
Author: Per Henrik Gullfoss
Price: $24.95
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Dobin Kabbalistic Kabbalistic Astrology
Author: Joel C. Dobin
Price: $14.95
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This book gives you practical ways for achieving harmony and unity among body, mind and soul as the author focuses on the essence of spirituality and life expressed as inner drives, strengths and challenges in the birth chart. Written by a rabbi who’s also an astrologer, this volume explores the Tree of Life, the Kabbalah, Bible, Talmud and Midrash.

Rudhyar Astrological An Astrological Triptych
Author: Dane Rudhyar
Price: $14.00
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Astrology for the Soul Astrology for the Soul
Author: Jan Spiller
Price: $19.00
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Focuses on the psychological and spiritual meaning of the horoscope Focuses on the North Node and how it reveals hidden talents, desires and true life purpose; how to avoid negative influences.