

Astrology of the Dwarf Planets: The Galactic Dimension of Creation Mythology
Author: Hollis Grail, Ph.D.
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lunation cycle Lunation Cycle
Author: Dane Rudhyar
Price: $16.95
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Includes interpretation of Jupiter in houses, signs and aspects, and a look at Jupiterian luck; aspects to asteroids. The cycle as an indicator of the state of life-force; also progressed lunation, Part of Fortune.
retrograde planets Retrograde Planets
Author: Erin Sullivan
Price: $24.95Add To Cart
saturn new look Saturn: New Look at an Old Devil
Author: Liz Greene
Price: $16.95
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The influence of natal and transiting retrograde planets. A psychological and metaphysical look at Saturn by house, sign and aspect.
healing pluto problems Healing Pluto Problems
Author: Donna Cunningham
Price: $19.95
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the book of pluto The Book of Pluto
Author: Steven Forrest
Price: $15.95
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Focuses on the diagnosis and resolution/transformation of Pluto issues as shown in the natal chart. Interpretation of Pluto through houses, signs and aspects, natal and predictive.
planets in signs Planets in Signs
Author: Skye Alexander
Price: $18.95
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The Lunar Gospel
Author: Cal Garrison
Price: $18.95Add To Cart
Describes the basics of planetary energy and each planet in each sign of the zodiac, as well as elements and modalities. Comprehensive guide to moon sign astrology, covering the significant role the moon plays in the horoscope; explores its role in different signs, houses and relationship to planets.
Black-Moon-Lilith-Rising Black Moon Lilith Rising
Author: Adam Sesay
Price: $23.99Add To Cart
Discovering Faith in Neptune’s Ocean of Dreams
Author: Alan Richards-Wheatcroft
Price: $22.95Add To Cart
The book reveals who Lilith is and how it ties into the astrological placement that empowers you to face and alchemize your inner-demons. Neptune’s hopeful message of intuition and knowing of transcending spiritual forgetfulness and truly realizing our dreams, becomes clear. Alan demonstrates this with natal charts showing multiple examples of the power of Neptune in human consciousness.
Pluto’s Season Ashes
Author: Alan Richards
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Pluto The Power Of Transformation

Author: Maria Stiopei
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Fascinating book that chronicles the results of a research project on the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction and its effect in world events and the lives of nine individuals. Interprets 28 phases of the Moon in both right and left brain terms.


New Moon Ast New Moon Astrology
Author: Jan Spiller
Price: $19.00Add To Cart
Astrological Neptune The Astrological Neptune
Author: Liz Greene
Price: $34.95
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The Secret of Astrological Timing to make all your dreams come true. Explores Neptune themes in lirerature, myth, politics, religion, fashion, addiction and much more! An awesome comprehensive book on Neptune.


Moon Signs Moon Signs
Author: Sasha Fenton
Price: $16.50Add To Cart
Breakthrough Astrology Breakthrough Astrology
Author:Joyce Levine
Price: $21.95
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Discover the hidden power of your emotions, for all signs. New and revised, fresh material. Covers all the planets by sign and house.  Fresh perspective and clear insights.


Astrology of the Moon Astrology of The Moon
Author: Amy Herring
Price: $21.95Add To Cart
Finding our way dark Finding Our Way Through the Dark
Author: Demtra George
Price: $24.95
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Your Moon sign and emotional nature, progressed moon and by house. Maximize your creative potential and fulfill your essential needs. Lunar Based Model to explore the dark and difficult times in our life. Workbook style. Progressions and phases of the Moon.


Moon Tide, Soul Passages Moon Tides, Soul Passages
Author: Maria Kay Simms
Price: $22.95Add To Cart
Pluto Vol 2 Pluto Volume II – The Soul’s Evolution Through Relationships
Author: Jeff Greene
Price: $41.00
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Patterns of the Moon in current and 30-year life cycles; birth placement and progressions; includes CD-ROM. Explores karmic destiny, past lives, and future evolutionary steps of the soul in Pluto.
Pluto Evolutionary Pluto: Evolutionary Journey of the Soul
Author: Jeff Green
Price: $26.95
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In-depth book on Pluto and how it relates to the soul and evolution.


Decantes and Duads Decanates and Duads
Author: Sakoian and Acker
Price: $22.95
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Black Moon Lilith Black Moon Lilith
Author: M. Kelley Hunter
Price: $24.95
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Detailed interpretations for each sign and its decanates and duads reveal the zodiac within each sign. Explores the astronomical, mythological, and astrological Lilith with chapters on Lilith in the signs, houses and in aspect. Includes extensive examples and an ephemeris.
Archetypes of Astrology
Author: Ena Stanley
Price: $15.95
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 Blends the themes of planets, signs and houses with their ancient mythological origins in a way that provides a useful and interesting introduction to the basics of astrology .