Personalized Astrological Reports
These reports are Specific to only you and are based on your date, time and place of birth. Be sure to scroll all the way down to see the many (new) reports.
Natal Report: A natal report interprets your chart for you. It covers all of your planets in the signs, and the houses (areas of life,) and the aspects (how the planets get along in your life,). This report is very personal and describes you, your career, your potentials. It is your personal road map of your life. Gain self understanding. Approx. 30 pages
Printed $25 Emailed $20
Edgar Cayce Past Life Report: Based on your natal chart regarding your past lives as Edgar Cayce had interpreted many of the astrological interpretations! A fascinating report. Approx. 12 -17 pages. $19
Pay here for Printed $19 Pay Here for emailed $14
Optimum Child Report: Is a natal chart for a child. It gives the needs, potentials and development course of any child from infancy to the teen years. Gives insight into personality, how to promote the development of the child and more! Approx. 20-25 pages. $25.00 Printed
Pay emailed $20
EroScope: This naughty and tantalizing report is an insightful delineation of one’s lovemaking style and sexual needs. This explores the sexual side of your chart unlike anything you’ve ever seen. It gives suggestions for ways to have fun. Approx. 25 Pages. $ 25.00 Printed
Emailed $20.00
Asteroid Goddesses: A report based on the four major asteroids Ceres, Pallas, Juno, and Vesta. This report covers them in depth, for each goddess it includes the essence of her mythical story, her main themes, the life stage she rules and delineations of her sign, house and aspect to the rest of the chart. Including the chart angles, moon’s nodes, and the rest of the planets. This is written by Demetra George.
Approx. 40-50 pages, cost $25.00 Printed
EMAILED $20.00
Relationship Report: Many call this a compatibility report. It is based on two peoples charts. This gives great insight into your relationship with each other. It is very helpful in understanding the relationship as well as the other person. Approx. 12-15 pages $19 Printed
Emailed $14
(both persons name, birth date, birth time, and birthplace required).
Forecast report: Gives day by day forecast of what is happening in your chart (life), great for planning, and finding out what the future holds. Great for assisting with your decisions. Three months covered. Cost $15.00 Printed
Emailed 10.00 Emailed
Planets in Solar Return Report: This report is cast for your birthday of the current or upcoming year that describes the main features, and events for the coming year. It may help with planning the year ahead and is an extremely great gift for yourself or another. Written by Mary Shea Approx. 20-29 pages. $29.00 Printed
EMailed $24.00
Iris Asteroid Report: A in depth analysis of 12 asteroids! Iris, Ceres, Vesta, Hygeia, Pallas, Proserpina, Juno, Astraea , Diana, Flora, Hecate, Black Moon Lilith.
The Iris Report gives you the opportunity, for the first time, to add twelve asteroids to the
major factors usually considered in the chart. A typical chart includes the Sun and Moon,
the planets, Chiron and Lilith. Now you have twelve additional factors to provide a much
more complete picture of how the astral energies were constellated at the time of birth
for any chart you are reading.
$25.00 Printed
$20.00 Emailed
Midpoint Keys Report: An excellent report on your natal midpoints which add a two year forecast based on mid-points, solar arc’s, progressions and transits. This is an amazing and accurate report!!! One of a kind and at an excellent price!
Approx. 80 pages $35 Printed
Emailed 30.00
4 Major Asteroids and Chiron by Dave Campbell: The four major asteroids Vesta, Pallas, Juno, Ceres, and Chiron are interpreted by House, Sign, and aspect to the planets and the other asteroids, and the angles (Ascendant, Midheaven).
Approx. 5 pages $10
List of Personal Asteroids (20,000 approx.) The list is all the named asteroids we can print Zodiac only, Alphabetical, or both. Be sure to email me the name, date of birth, City and State, and Time of birth for the person getting the list.
Alphabetical only $18.00 Pay Here
Asteroid Ephemeris 100 Years (Every 10 Days) email me the name and number of the asteroid(s) and the start date
1 Asteroid=$9.00
Numerology Report
Based on your full name at birth, and your birthdate. Gives personal numbers in detail and your year ahead numbers very informative report.
24.95 Printed. Emailed 20.00
Vertex Report (Astrology Report)
The Vertex Report helps you understand how a larger sense of purpose and destiny works in your life. Every person sometimes finds himself or herself in a situation of meeting someone or visiting a place that feels very natural, as if we had known this person or place, but have forgotten it — even though it is our first meeting with the person or place. Considered an auxiliary descendant, karmic or fatted connections.
Printed $15.00 Emailed $10.00
Gay Man or Lesbian Natal Report
This report covers your natal chart with relationships explained in gay or lesbian perspective. A very good detailed natal report. Can be ordered as New Age Male, or New Age Female Report as well Specify at checkout.
Printed 25.00 Emailed 20.00
Karmic Insight Report
Through this in-depth report by Gina Ronco gives the reader an esoteric point of view and a look into the soul’s intentions and lessons to be learned in this lifetime based on reverberations from past lifetimes. It is written in hopes that the individual may clarify their lessons and goals and illuminate their struggles. The Karmic Insight report concentrates on the aspects of the Moon (unresolved past-life issues that have been re-stimulated), the Sun (weaknesses, fears) while also interpreting all other hard and soft aspects. This is a very accurate and well-written report and is unique.
Printed $15.00 Emailed 10.00
Karmic Past Lives
The analysis focuses on the Moon’s nodes and Saturn but includes interpretations of many other factors in the natal chart as well. The printout is short, about 5 to 6 pages long.
Printed $10.00 Emailed $5.00
Star*Mate* Composite Report
Relationship report that covers the relationship itself, very informative and accurate. Additional asteroids are also included and interpreted in this report.
Printed 20.00 Emailed 10.00
Compatibility and Conflict Romance Relationship report
Analysis of a couple in relationship both good and difficult aspects are interpreted.
Written by Dorothy Oja.
Printed $15 Emailed $10.00
Each report will be mailed to you via USPS once it is completed. After purchase you will be give a link to provide us with the information we need in order to complete your report(s).
Transit Mini Minder Report
This report provides very brief interpretations of transits, including the option to include midpoint interpretations. Each interpretation is clear, concise, and focuses on tangible, concrete issues, avoiding detailed psychological analysis.
Printed $12.00 Emailed $7.00
Secondary Progressed Report for one year
Analyzes the progressions for one year, includes sign and house changes, and progressed Ascendant interpretations.
Printed $15.00 Emailed $10.00
Solar Return Report by Ray Merriman
Yearly forecast report based on the Sun’s return and location. Very in depth interpretations.
Printed 30.00 Emailed 25.00
Journey Careers Report
A very detailed natal report covering many of your vocational aptitudes, helpful for those searching for career potentials.
Printed 25.00 Emailed 20.00
Please Note: Prices shown do not include any applicable shipping fees or taxes. This information will be shown in the shopping cart prior to final checkout.