General Astrology

all around the zodiac All Around the Zodiac
Author: Bil Tierney
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the rulership book The Rulership Book
Author: Rex Bills
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Provides a revealing look at the signs; how each sign motivates the individual to grow and evolve in consciousness. Complete and extensive listing of rulerships for everything imaginable. Cross-referenced by sign, planet and house.
horoscope symbols Horoscope Symbols
Author: Robert Hand
Price: $24.95
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Astropsychology: A Journey to Yourself
Author: Thaya Edwards
Price: $22.95
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The psychological and spiritual meaning of the planets, aspects, midpoints and houses. This book is for everyone: it doesn’t matter if you are an astrologer or not. You will be led to discovering your true personality type step-by step. You will learn about subtypes of signs, find out your main element, see the effects of the Moon, Mercury and Venus on your personality and much more!

Ten Key Features of Fame and Fortune
Author: Alan Mayeda
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The Plain Vanilla Astrol0ger
Author: Pat Geisler
Price: $19.95
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In this book, Alan Mayeda explores the astrology behind celebrities, fame and fortune. He methodically demonstrates the indicators that can indicate potential greatness. Pat Geisler goes into thirty three charts that are presented and analyzed. Some include the basics of the planets, forecasting, missing elements, retrogrades, and more.
The Transit of Saturn
Author: Marc Robertson
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Elementary Astrology AFA
Author: Ernest & Catharine Grant
Price: $26.95

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Life’s major crises can be clocked by the passage of saturn through the signs, planets, houses, and quadrants. The author explains and defines growth patterns and hidden purposes in light of a total person. There are ages when your personal awareness and assertiveness are known only to you, and other periods when you focus on public involvement. Explains the fundamentals of the science of astrology, calculation procedures, meanings of the houses, zodiacal signs, planets and aspects.
Vocational Astrology Vocational Astrology
Author: Judith Hill
Price: $22.00
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Analysis of the Horoscope
Author: Ernest & Catharine Grant
Price: $26.95
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Easy method for career selection, best/worst vocational planets, A-Z career listing by planet, sign and house. Covers physical descriptions and characteristics for the faces, detailed definitions of the nature of the planets along with their influences in houses and the significance of aspects.

Astrometerorology Astrometorology Planetary Power in Weather Forecasting
Author: Kris Brandt-Riske
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Synthesis of the Horoscope
Author: Ernest & Catharine
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Tornados, Hurricanes, floods all weather can be predicted, learn how with this exciting book on the subject. Covers delineation in a unique manner and discusses houses and planetary aspects as they affect basic complexes in human behavior. A method of comparing two or more horoscopes is also included.
Predictive Astrology
Author: Ernest & Catharine Grant
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An Astrologer’s Casebook
Author: Katharine Merlin
Price: $15.99Add To Cart
Deals with methods of progressions, diurnals, solar and lunar returns, radix and solar arc directions, solar revolutions, transits, and other important techniques. As the chapters entitled “Fate, True Love, Death” unfold, Astrology’s magic mirror shows what astrology can reveal about many vital aspects of our lives.

Under One Sky Under One Sky
Author: Rafael Nasser, ed.
Price: $24.95 out of print/stock
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Understanding Planetary Placements Author: Sophia Mason
Price: $18.95
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Using different techniques, 12 astrologers analyze the same chart without prior knowledge of the individual. This book is as helpful to beginning and intermediate students of astrology as it is to those who are more experienced, serving to jump start the thinking process for chart delineation.
Mercury in Retrograde
Author: Rachel Stuart-Haas
Price: $9.95
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The Astrology of Fate
Author: Liz Greene
Price: $29.95
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In Mercury in Retrograde, practicing astrologer Rachel Stuart-Haas takes us on a fun and energizing exploration of the astrological phenomena that guide our lives. Greene Amplifies the meaning of fate and of astrological transits and natal configurations. She explores the Zodiacal signs as portraying a mythical journey, the hero journey.
You and Your Ascendant

Author: Sophia Mason
Price: $21.95
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House Keywords and More…
Author: Michael Munkasey
Price: $44.95
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An in depth look at how each of the twelve signs functions on the Ascendant but how the ruler of each functions through its own house placement. But that’s only the beginning from this superb astrologer. Michael Munkasey compiled this extensive 400 page book on house keywords during decades of astrological practice. Keywords are listed by house in alphabetical order and by house category.
Portraits of Personality
Author: William Schreib
Price: $19.95
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Personal Centered Astrology
Author: Dane Rudhyar
Price: $19.95
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Features collages of over 1000 facial photos—to illustrate the Sun signs, Moon signs and Rising signs of 235 celebrities! Dane Rudhyar pioneered an entirely new approach to astrology, reformulating it with a holistic, psychological and spiritual dimension. Person centered astrology encapsulates the scope and breadth of his astrologcal thinking into six essays covering planetary and lunar nodes, event oriented vs person centered, planetary patterns and more.

Creative StepParenting Creative Step-Parenting
Author: Gayle Geffner
Price: $23.95Add To Cart
Astrology How and Why it Works
Author: Marc Edmund Jones
Price: $16.95
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Focuses on the relationships between step-parents and step-children and how to fully understand and maximize them. This easy to understand guide provides an in depth investigation of astrological symbolism. It demystifies astrological prediction and relates theoretical understanding to the experience and practical concerns of the reader.

Best of Charles Jayne The Best of Charles Jayne
Author: Charles Jayne
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Astrology and Apitude Astrology and Aptitude
Author: Kim Falconer
Price: $18.95
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Includes four of the author’s books: Horoscope Interpretation Outline, Locality Astrology, Parallels, Rectification. Explains various techniques in addition to signs and houses to learn how to become what you are meant to be.