Dave’s Readings
Dave’s Readings
New Series Featuring Dave tune in and watch!
Jan 2023
About Dave
Dave Campbell is a psychic-medium, Astrologer, and Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist (C.Ht.), and a Legally ordained minister, as well as author. Dave is a member of the Arizona Society of Astrologers (ASA), see the link above. Dave is also a professional member of the American Federation of Astrologers (PMAFA), in Tempe, Arizona. Dave was a research medium at the University of Arizona, VERITAS program, and is now a certified research medium, Level 4, with the Windbridge Institute.
Dave’s spirit messages come through his clairvoyant (clear seeing), clairaudient (clear hearing), and Clairsentient (clear feeling) abilities. Dave gives clear evidence of communication from those on the other side, providing healing and closure for both sides of the veil.
Dave is an expert astrologer with over 20 years of experience. Dave wrote the book Forensic Astrology: Solving Crimes with Astrology, published by AFA. Dave specializes in using asteroids which give explicit detail in his readings. Dave is well known for precise accuracy in his readings and predictions, giving self empowerment and clear direction. Dave has spent most of his life studying metaphysics, Tarot, Reiki, etc., and continues to expand his knowledge and skills.
Dave’s clients include; Lawyers, Psychologists, Surgeons, Police officers, Nurses, Engineers as well as other Astrologers, and Psychics. When they need advice or guidance they seek out Dave.
Medium Readings
Receive messages from the spirit world via Medium Dave Campbell, friends and family come through with vivid descriptions, personality traits, names, initials, cause of death, relationship to the client and more. Messages may come through giving validation and strong evidence of communication with the other side. As a result closure and healing are provided to both sides. Cost is $200 and $30 for each additional person. Call for an appointment. Approximate time is 35-45 minutes the average time it takes me to do a complete medium reading. You may bring a recorder if you wish.
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Astrology Readings
Natal reading: Dave interprets your birth chart explaining your potentials in career, life lessons, relationships, personality, and gives you a sense of purpose. Understanding yourself gives you the tools and self-empowerment to succeed to your fullest potential. Astrology is the best tool for self understanding. Discover who your really are! Need Date, Time and Place of birth for all astrology readings. $200 by appointment approx. 1 hour.
Forecast Reading: Using many astrological techniques (progressions, transits, solar returns) I look at what is going on with you currently and what is ahead for the next year. This gives you a heads up on what doors are open, opportunities are out there and what blockages or lessons need to be overcome. Astrology is an excellent timer for events. 45 minutes/$175 by appointment.
Relationship Reading: Uncover the inner dynamics of your relationship with your significant other. Gain insight, perspective, and understanding of each other. Learn the purpose and karma of your relationship, what are the lessons? Where is the relationship headed? $250.
Relocation Reading: Moving? Job Transfer? Retiring? Vacation? Use the tool of astrology to find the best place to live, retire, vacation, find love, career, write your book etc. $175.
Asteroid Reading: Asteroid reading is where I use about 2000 asteroids and select the prominent ones in your chart and then give you the meaning. Asteroids are very specific and take your chart to a whole new dimension. Asteroids give mythological meaning, names of people, places, cities, States, and some themes, in explicit detail. Past lives are often revealed in this reading. *pre-requisite- Natal reading. $250.
Horary: A horary reading is one specific question. It is a question that is of importance and significance. For those burning questions you just need to know, this is an excellent method. Examples are for assisting in finding missing objects or people, where to look. Or Should I purchase this building, property etc? or Is this the best job for me? Each question is $95.00 for the answer-.
Horary $95.00
Rectification of Chart:Chart rectification is for those who do not have the time of birth. Rectification is a method of going backwards with astrology to rectify the time of birth. Dave has many rectifications under his belt and feels confident in his skills. $395.00* for most rectifications*
Electional Astrology: Is where I find the right time to start a project, open a business, get married, launch a product, pick surgery dates best for you and many more events.
This is a specialty and very important to start a project or launch a business at the right time! $200 See Dave for more details
Astrology readings require:
Name, Date of birth, Time of birth, Place of birth.
**Dave does not do combination readings.**
Call to schedule your reading prior to purchasing. 623-463-6286
Dave’s Television and Radio media appearances:
Channeling: Bridge to the Beyond, GAIA TV channel Jan 2023
Shop A-Z tv channel 3 AZ KTVK
Channel 3 Good Morning Arizona AZ KTVK
KPNX Channel 12 NBC News at 10
The Pat McMann Show (PN 7 AZtv)
The Chat Room PN7 AZTV
Energy Radio AZ Readings on air
Talk Radio KNFX the Mothers show
Coast to Coast with George Noory
Channel 5 KPHO News 10/28/11
Channel 12 EVB Live May & November 2012
FOX 10 NEWS August 2018
To see my Advanced Course in Asteroids published by the AFA
Go to www.astrologers.com and click on Learn Astrology tab.
For more info.